Rise 5: Easy to Implement Decluttering Habits

Professional Organizer, Tink Rainbow of Clean House, shares some tips for keeping your spaces free and clear.


1. Give Everything a Home - It's much easier to put things away after you use them if you have a place designated for each item you have.

2. One-In One-Out - When something new enters your home, whether its a purchase or a gift, choose an item to donate or give away.

3. Put Piles Away - Laundry and mail are never ending piles!. Deliver the laundry to each person's room along with their mail. They put it away.

4. Surface Sweep - Set a timer for 5-10 mins, for yourself or with your family, and see how much you can clear off counters. Make it fun by blasting great music!

5. Give your room a few minutes of attention as a way to unwind before bed (and it's better sleep hygiene than scrolling on your phone!)  You'll wake up feeling a bit more joy and peace from your surroundings, and you deserve that!

Receive more home organization support from Professional Organizer, Tink Rainbow of Clean House, at the Refresh Retreat and Weekend Getaway.