What does the Rise Team do to Soothe their Nervous Systems?
Co-founder Rachel Rainbow's favorite ways to self-soothe
by Rachel Rainbow · Tue 28 Nov 2023
"Each day I make time for the things that I know soothe my nervous system and bring me a sense of peace in a world where it's up to me to make these my priority. I've learned to care for myself in different ways and these are some of my favorites."
- Rachel
Paint by Number
Painting is meditative and these make it easy and fun! Look for ones that appeal to you at your favorite on-line retailer - there are so many beautiful options to choose from!
To Bless the Space Between Us by John O'Donohue
This is a book of prayers for different transitions in life, like the death of a loved one, a change of job, etc. It is powerful to just pick up each day and read one passage to gain perspective and a sense of peace inside.
RAD Original Roller
I use this product daily at the base of my skull and other areas that hold tension. In just minutes, I can feel great relief from this myofascial tool. Find it here!
This is a resource that is available to all of us. Our sense of touch gives our bodies a sense of comfort and safety. Hug your family and friends regularly and hold them for longer than you think you need to.